Paris Climate Committee Statement
The UK Carbon Code of Conduct supports the Paris climate deal to keep the rise in global temperatures this century to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. All projects that are approved, verified, reported and monitored by the UKCCC align with this goal and the UK government position to ensure a nature positive transition to a low carbon emissions future.
Link: UK Government Principles for Voluntary Carbon and Nature Market Integrity
Buyers must not buy and retire credits instead of acting to de-carbonise their operations, supply chains and to mitigate damage to the climate and the natural world. By investing in credits to offset their hard to abate emissions from projects that deliver nature and climate positive action and approved by the UKCCC they can be assured that their investment has made a positive impact on the reversal of climate change and biodiversity collapse.
The UKCCC further enforces the Paris Climate commitment by ensuring all projects reach Net Zero before selling credits.Central Standard
The UK Carbon Code of Conduct (UKCCC) has been established as a central set of standards taking a holistic approach to land management in order to drive investment in nature-based solutions that contribute to the reversal of climate change and biodiversity collapse.
Robust Protocols
To provide certainty to the voluntary carbon market, the UK Carbon Code is built on 4 main pillars. Science and data determine whether the requirements are being met.
Assured Additionality
Assured Permanence
Avoidance of Leakage
Avoidance of Negative Outcomes
High-Integrity Credits
Credits are only issued when a project has been assessed against and met the required UK Carbon Code standard, which includes verification and certification that the whole operation/farm is Net Zero.
High-Integrity Projects + High-Integrity Standards = High-Integrity Credits.